Saturday, July 20, 2013


1. this is an alpaca
2. sunset at it's prime
3. two hooligans on a rock
4. dreary eerie morning
5. abstract?
6. bff's?

is it true that the older you get, 
the faster that time goes by?

this summer has literally been slipping 
through the ends of my fingertips.
i can't seem to get a grasp on it.

it's making me realize how fast-lived our lives our.
we are just like water particles running down a river bank;
there's no stopping us.

i fear that one day i’ll get old and
realize that there were more things that
i should have done, should have seen, or should have said.

so i guess all i can do right now
is make the most out of each day.
-learn and grow.
-enjoy and savour.
-laugh and smile.


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