Monday, July 15, 2013


my friend nasim and i love preparing and eating 
yummy meals together.

this time we decided to make a 
candied pecan + summer greens salad

all you need is:
-any type of green salad
-1/2 an avocado
-4 strawberries
-handfull of blueberries
-1 cup of cooked quinoa
-1/4 cup fetta cheese
-2 dried dates
-1/4 cup candied pecans
-any type of dressing you wish to drizzle

1. cut up the avocado, strawberries, and dated into
bite-size pieces.

3. cut feta into sprinkle-able pieces

2. put all ingredients into a large bowl.

4. serve!

we attempted in trying to make our own candied pecans.
all we used was:
-1/3 cup pecans
-tsp of butter
-1 tbs white sugar
-1 tbs water

1. put heat on medium

2. cook sugar, butter, and water until it turns to liquid.

3. add pecans

4. cook until liquid covers the pecans and 
sugar starts to solidify.

5. voila!

for our salad we used a refreshing 
balsamic olive oil dressing:
-2 tbs olive oil
-1 tbs sweet soy sauce
-1 tbs raspberry balsamic vinegar
-1 tsp course black pepper

1. mix together and drizzle onto salad

enjoy this salad on a clear blue day!

also check out my friend nasim's blog at:

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