Saturday, June 29, 2013


i'm a dweeb.

i know.

who takes multiple pictures of their feet?

i do.

this is the last post on my trip to japan!

it has taken me way longer than i expected,
and it is a relief that it is finally complete.

yes japan is an awesome place, 
and i highly recommend everyone to go visit.

however my opinion is biased.

the people who i spend my time with during my trips to japan make every moment memorable.

my cousins, grandparents, family friends;
they always find ways to make me feel like 
japan is my home away from home.

and i have lots of love for 
my momma who is a great travel partner.

this trip taught me that each moment of our lives; 
sad, humorous, exciting, etc,
 can make us grow and better ourselves. 

i also came to a realization that there is this certain unfathomable magical purpose in each brief encounter and simple conversation.
life is such a strange thing,
hard to put into words.

isn't there a saying called carpe diem?
well let's seize the day 
and walk this path called life with big smiles.


more new posts to come!

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