Sunday, June 9, 2013


in oita there is a mountain called takasakiyama.
it's a popular tourist attraction, specifically for viewing these cute monkeys.

there are around 1200 monkeys that live on mt. takasaki.
these monkeys are split into two colonies (B & C) and they each take turns coming down to the base of the mountain so they can protect themselves against enemies from each colony. the base is where the tourists gather to view the monkeys and this is also where the monkeys are provided with food. the monkeys have a keen eye for treats, so i advise you to go without goodies because they will literally attack you.
happened to my mum once; she's got a slight fear of monkeys ever since - true story.

i, however, have this slight obsession with monkeys, so i was super stoked when i got the chance to visit this place for the second time with my cousin. 
my mum decided to opt out on this day trip.

lets be real, these little creatures are adorable, and they're fantastic at modelling for photo's.

if anyone figures out a way to smuggle and tame these monkeys as household pets, please contact me a.s.a.p.


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