Tuesday, May 28, 2013


during my trip to japan, my mum and i
took a little trip to fukuoka.
we had to take a two hour train ride to get there, but i was in awe with view so the time flew by.  
oita is a crazy tiny city compared to fukuoka,
i can only imagine how big tokyo is. 

in fukuoka i ate my first krispy kreme donut (i give it an A+), went to a yatai which is a japanese 
food stall (shown in image four),
went to this marvelous store called the loft and bought
 a lunch-bag that is shaped like a mini backpack 
(this store literally has some of the coolest goods),
did some more shopping (yolo), 
and had black sesame soft ice cream (satisfaction).

more on fukuoka still to come...
stay tuned


Monday, May 27, 2013


the food in japan...

i think the pictures can pretty much speak for themselves,

but just incase it wasn't obvious,

let's just say that it was delicious,

and let's just say that "delicious" would be an understatement.

i forgot the feeling of hunger while in japan.
there was always something appealing in the form of food 
wherever you went; whether it be in a house, department store, or food outlets along the street.

my favourite meal was at this restaurant called dish.
i ate a voluminous "omurice" (shown in the last picture) 
omurice is fried rice wrapped in an omlette.
however as you can see in the last picture, this omurice was pimped out with shrimp, avocado, salad, and was topped with a mild wabsabi dressing.
twas superb!

oishii=delicious in japanese!
i highly recommend food lovers out there to visit japan and try lots and lots of oishii food. 
you will not be disappointed.


Saturday, May 25, 2013


when i was in japan i always got excited when i saw patches of colour in the distance since i knew that would 
pretty flowers 

and this would then 
pretty pictures.

the area by my grandparents house was surrounded by all sorts of different and vibrant flowers. 
some were truly mesmerizing.

the last picture with the white flower is of a calla flower.
this beauty was right outside my grandparents house and i always spent a minute of the day gazing at it.
 it stood strong and fab for the whole three weeks i was there. 
the bright white of the petal never dulled, and it amazed me how pure and holy it looked.
usually flowers wilt and disappear after a short period of time, but this flower was a champ.
it was refreshing seeing something so perfect and delicate in this world that can be filled with so much craziness.

-to standing strong and fab

Thursday, May 23, 2013


it is a japanese tradition to bring gifts to the house you are visiting.
therefore, since my mum and i were visiting my grandparents house we decided to pick up a few gifts!

the white box was senbei for my grandpa. senbei is the japanese name for rice cracker! japan has some of the best senbei, so if you're into rice crackers, go all out in japan!

 the tokyo banana is a soft cake filled with a banana custard. people all over go crazy for this treat! this treat was flying off the shelves at narita airport. 
be sure to get you hand on these bad boyz when you be hittin up tokyo.

my fav treat however, was the strawberry cake from ginza.
this cake is filled with custard and strawberry cream. the cake is very fluffy and it works perfectly with the custard+creme (melts in yo mouth). it has an itsybitsy strawberry imprinted onto the cake like seen in the fifth picture above!

give these treats a try, they were delicious!

-happy gift giving


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


i have returned back home from my trip to japan!

my mum and i got to spend time with my family in the small city of oita for the first time in years. two planes and two train rides later, i finally arrived at my grandparents house in oita (located on the south eastern part of japan). this trip marked my sixth time in oita. it felt really nostalgic seeing my grandparents and cousins, walking along the same fields and railroads, and smelling the same scent of sweet bread and burning incents that i recall from my childhood.  

 i couldn't have asked for better weather; it rained twice during the three weeks i was there, and the temperature was comfortably warm! the food was great; everything was fresh and the prices were very reasonable. the shopping never disappoints in japan; many stores are filled with an abundance of cuteness. the list can go on and on about how amazing japan is. it is definitely a place to go visit at least once in a lifetime.  
however i do warn that it gets ridiculously hot in some places during the summer. from what i remember it gets scorching hot in oita from june-august however april-may consists of mostly perfect conditions. 

the pictures above were taken 1000's of meters off the ground:

the first picture was taken on the plane from vancouver to narita, and it happens to be of vancouver!

the second to fourth picture was taken on a plane headed back home from fukuoka to narita. as you can see in pictures three to four, there are plenty of rice fields in japan.
rice is nice.  

more pictures from my trip to japan will be posted
so stay tuned!
