Wednesday, May 22, 2013


i have returned back home from my trip to japan!

my mum and i got to spend time with my family in the small city of oita for the first time in years. two planes and two train rides later, i finally arrived at my grandparents house in oita (located on the south eastern part of japan). this trip marked my sixth time in oita. it felt really nostalgic seeing my grandparents and cousins, walking along the same fields and railroads, and smelling the same scent of sweet bread and burning incents that i recall from my childhood.  

 i couldn't have asked for better weather; it rained twice during the three weeks i was there, and the temperature was comfortably warm! the food was great; everything was fresh and the prices were very reasonable. the shopping never disappoints in japan; many stores are filled with an abundance of cuteness. the list can go on and on about how amazing japan is. it is definitely a place to go visit at least once in a lifetime.  
however i do warn that it gets ridiculously hot in some places during the summer. from what i remember it gets scorching hot in oita from june-august however april-may consists of mostly perfect conditions. 

the pictures above were taken 1000's of meters off the ground:

the first picture was taken on the plane from vancouver to narita, and it happens to be of vancouver!

the second to fourth picture was taken on a plane headed back home from fukuoka to narita. as you can see in pictures three to four, there are plenty of rice fields in japan.
rice is nice.  

more pictures from my trip to japan will be posted
so stay tuned!


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