Wednesday, November 28, 2012


my papa just got a fisheye lens for our canon camera.
as opposed to some $400 fisheye lenses, this shall do perfectly fine for playing around with.
as you can see, i have already had some fun with it.

it is called the 0.42x digital concepts fisheye lens with marco. it was purchased from amazon for $40! yes it is quite the steal.


Sunday, November 25, 2012


wooooot one more week of classes left!
and then start finals...

gotta de-stress through some tea and choco therapy.

hope everyone has a good week


Thursday, November 22, 2012


thank you mama for the tasty noodles!

a pan-fried noodle dish with vegetables and meat(if you wish). it is quite common in japan. however, this dish is now commonly found at your local sushi restaurant.



Wednesday, November 21, 2012


the christmas season is fast approaching!

this is the season of giving.

while these gifts may seem small to us, they mean a great deal to a lot of people who are less fortunate.

every year our church participates in the samaritan's operation christmas childthis year, our church had a total of around 60 boxes. that makes 60 happy children. as you can see, these small acts of kindness can add up to create something great.

we should all take some time this holiday season and be grateful for all that we have, and help the people in need. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


one of my favorite stores = costco

so many goods to check out.
they got some steller deals.
and let's be real, trying the samples makes it all the more fun.

yes, i do know that material goods do not fulfill happiness.
but i must say that listening to michael buble's christmas cd, reading the newest edition of cosmo, while wearing some comfy new pj's does leave you in a pretty cheerful state of mind.

i tend to only get cosmo once a year, and choosing the december edition was well worth the wait. go tswift!


Monday, November 19, 2012


the best thing on cold and rainy days?

hot tea.
and why not add a delicious peanut butter cookie.

it's almost like being at starbucks.
minus the line ups.
and hefty drink prices.

whoopwhoop go tea!


now winter seems totally bearable 

Friday, November 16, 2012


i don't really know what to write.
you know when you have too many thoughts in your head and you just can't manage to put anything into words?
yeah, it's one of those days.

however what i can say is...thank goodness it's the weekend!


Thursday, November 15, 2012


there is just something i love about cold yet sunny days.
the feeling of breathing in cold air yet still feeling cozy and warm inside your layered clothes.
 and everything seems to look so pretty. 
i truly believe that we should take some time out of our hectic and busy lives to appreciate the little things.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


sometimes you just gotta treat yourself to the real goodness of top quality ice cream.
 baskin robbins and i go way back. 
as a kid my favorite flavour was always cotton candy, but as times change, i guess i have matured as well.
my new favorites are green tea, and perils of praline. these are what i would call more sophisticated flavours.
however, my child-like ways are still present in my humour.
i still laugh at very childish things. like poop.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


today my mama brought home some very delicious japanese food from fujiya. they have great quality sushi and they are stocked up with lots of goods from japan.
eating sushi or any japanese food for that matter makes me want to go back to japan. hopefully i get to go sometime soon!

lately, i have been hearing a lot of talk about green tea and it's health benefits. 

fun facts about drinking green tea:

1. it increases metabolism.
2. prevent diabetes and heart disease.
3. reduces bad cholesterol
4. it can prevent tooth decay, and kill bacteria that cause throat infection.
5. you feel less depressed!
6. it can help your skin by slowing down signs of aging.

good stuff.

drink your green tea.


site used:
check it out for more info on green tea

Monday, November 12, 2012


as you can see i love avocados.
being an avocado lover, this dip is oh so delicious.

how to make this guacamole dip:
serves 2
total time - 5 minutes

-one ripe avocado
-tsp of lime or lemon juice
-tsp of pesto sauce or paste
-half a tomato without the seeds
-salt and pepper

1. cut the seedless tomato into small pieces.
2. mix the avocado, lime/lemon juice, pesto, salt and pepper in a bowl.
3. lastly mix in the tomato pieces.
4. ready to eat and serve!

delicious, easy, and great for parties!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


so today i accidentally dropped a glass bowl, and the shards of glass literally scattered all over the kitchen floor. i was devastated at first, but then i thought, why not get some good out of a bad situation? so i decided to get some intricate pictures out of it. 

mini life lessons learned today:
turn negatives into positives


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


feeling like some good ol' ice cream?

but don't want to indulge in all the fat?

look no further!

how to make this banana nutella "ice cream":
serves 2
total time - 5 minutes

-two ripe bananas
-tbs of honey
-one or two tbs of nutella
-50mls of milk or soy milk

1. peel the bananas the night before and wrap them in saran wrap or put them in a freezer bag.
2. once your bananas are frozen, break up the banana into pieces and put them into a blender or mixer.
3. add honey, nutella, and milk or soy milk with the bananas.
4. start mixing! mix to desired texture.
5. it's ready to serve!
6. garnish with banana pieces or chocolate .

i couldn't believe it either, ice cream without the cream. 
and yes it truly is delicious!
it's almost too good to be true.

definitely going to start making this more often.


Sunday, November 4, 2012


delicious, fast, and easy!

how to make this fine rice:
total time - 30 minutes
serves 2

-two tbs olive oil
- half of an onion 
-tsp of italian herbs
-two and a half cups of cooked brown rice
-half a cup of canned corn
-half of a red pepper
-one small tomato
-three to four tbs of ketchup
-salt and pepper
- tsp of hot sauce
-grated cheese (as much as you please)
-half of an avocado

1. cut the tomato and red peppers into edible cubes, and finely chop the onion.
2. add the onion, italian herbs, and olive oil into a frying pan.
3. turn the heat to high and cook the contents until the onion sweats and is slightly golden.
3. add the rice, tomato, red pepper, corn, and a touch of salt and pepper into the frying pan. mix together and cook for 2 minutes.
4. turn the heat to medium and add in the ketchup and hot sauce.
5. mix and cook contents for another 3-5 minutes.
6. now that the rice is done, plate it.
7. sprinkle cheese as you wish.
8. cut avocado into cubes, and place it on top of the rice.
9. the avocado may need a dash of salt and pepper.
10. you are good to go, and ready to eat!

hope you enjoy :)