Tuesday, November 6, 2012


feeling like some good ol' ice cream?

but don't want to indulge in all the fat?

look no further!

how to make this banana nutella "ice cream":
serves 2
total time - 5 minutes

-two ripe bananas
-tbs of honey
-one or two tbs of nutella
-50mls of milk or soy milk

1. peel the bananas the night before and wrap them in saran wrap or put them in a freezer bag.
2. once your bananas are frozen, break up the banana into pieces and put them into a blender or mixer.
3. add honey, nutella, and milk or soy milk with the bananas.
4. start mixing! mix to desired texture.
5. it's ready to serve!
6. garnish with banana pieces or chocolate .

i couldn't believe it either, ice cream without the cream. 
and yes it truly is delicious!
it's almost too good to be true.

definitely going to start making this more often.


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