Tuesday, February 12, 2013


my mom made a yummy post-workout tofu dinner.

this is a perfect dish for you vegetarians out there!

tofu is very versatile and there are many different kinds so it can suite pretty much anyone's taste pallet.

these are only some of the health benefits to tofu:

1. it lowers bad cholesterol

2. it can substitute for meat, however per 150g of lean meat, you need to eat 290g of tofu.

3. tofu is low in fat, calories, and cholesterol.
(per 100g there is only 3.6g of fat, 110 cals, and 0 cholesterol)

4. it is rich in B-vitamins and calcium.

5. tofu reduces the risk of osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancer.

however one thing you need to watch out for when cooking tofu is that it absorbs oil easily. but no need to worry since there are numerous ways to make tofu without using too much oil such as in soups, and stir-fry.

be sure to give tofu a shot, you won't regret it!


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