Tuesday, January 29, 2013


january hasn't been the most pleasant month. both sides of my mouth got infected after having my wisdom teeth removed (i literally had chipmunk cheeks on three different occasions in the span of less than a month), and i ended up getting the flu.
on the plus side, i got to take shiny blue antibiotics!
it felt like i was taking in punches one after the other. and what do you do?- well you get back up and keep on going.
through experiences like this you realize how important good health is. poor health enables you to do the things you gotta do, and want to do. and to put it bluntly- it sucks.
and the experiences i went through this month does not come close to hardship compared to what a lot of other people have to go through. 
in my day to day life i don't give enough appreciation to how much of a blessing it is to be able to go out of the house and engage in activities, to go to school, to socialize with friends, to enjoy food, and live without physical pain.
i am truly thankful.
through this month of aches and sicknesses, i have learned that true courage comes from finding strength through weakness.

i delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. for when I am weak, then i am strong.
 2 corinthians 12:10

-stay strong


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