Wednesday, October 17, 2012


how to make the healthy and tasty margarita spaghetti sauce:
total time - 30 minutes
serves 4

-tbs olive oil
-half of a big onion
-two garlic cloves
-tbs italian herbs
-one can of hunts original tomato sauce
-one diced tomato
-two tbs ketchup
-tabasco sauce if you like it hot

1. put olive oil, finely chopped onion and garlic in a flatter surfaced pot if you have one, if not just use a regular pot, and turn the heat up the heat to max. 
2. cook the contents till it turns slightly golden, then add the tomato sauce, italian herbs, tomato, ketchup, and hot sauce.
3. cook the sauce for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.
4. all done! serve once the spaghetti is cooked and ready.

how to make the fast and easy salad:
total time - 15 minutes
serves 4

-any kind of lettuce
-one can of peaches and cream corn
-half a cup of dried cranberries
-one avocado

-fifty mls of olive oil
-fifteen mls of soy sauce
-fifteen mls of lemon juice or vinegar
-salt and pepper

1. place the vegetables + dried cranberries in a bowl or plate
2. mix the liquid ingredients + salt and pepper in a small container to make salad dressing
3. pour on as much salad dressing as you wish
4. enjoy your salad!

feel free to comment, hope you enjoy!

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