Tuesday, February 5, 2013


this is another dish that my dad cooked up:
banana pancakes!

i barely ever get the chance to eat pancakes so i was super stoked when i found out my dad was making this.

it turns out to be super easy to make:

well first you gotta cook up some pancakes

as for the banana's:
this will serve 2-3 people
(depends how much banana you like)

2 bananas
1 tbs of butter
1 tbs of brown sugar
1 tbs maple syrup
1 tsp of cinnamon

1. slice 2 banana's the way you desire.
2. put the butter in a pan.
3. heat the butter until it has melted nicely and is slightly brown.
make sure it's really hot!
4. add the bananas.
5. add in the the sugar, cinnamon, and maple syrup.
6. cook for a minute until the banana is cooked and covered in the sauce.
7. serve the sizzling hot bananas on top of your pancake(s).

and there you have it!
a delicious banana pancake


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