Saturday, September 21, 2013


1. deep fried ice cream

 2. ice cream pops

 3. curried fish balls

4. mango ice cream/shaved-ice bowl

 5. rotato

 6. night market

this post is long overdue,
but it has to be done.

school has come to a start again and 
summer feels almost like a dream.

back in august, i went to the richmond night market with some people from my church and it turned out to be a great time!

we ended up being able to try lots of food from an
array of different vendors since we got 
into groups and split our purchases.

this place isn't just about the food,
they also sells cute socks, accessories, electronics, onesies,
batons, bear mace, and much more!

the night market season has unfortunately come to an end,
but there will always be next year.

sorry again for my tardiness.
i hope to post at least once a week now 
that school is back in session.

ciao for now
