Saturday, August 24, 2013


my mama and i had lunch at the kirin restaurant downtown.

this spacious restaurant was packed on a weekday afternoon.
this doesn't surprise me since the food is delicious and reasonably priced.

this restaurant serves traditional chinese food,
so be prepared to try new food!

together, my mama and i shared:
 -pumpkin and shrimp dumplings (picture 2)
-vegetarian dumplings with shiitake mushrooms (picture 2)
-chinese broccoli with oyster sauce (picture 3)
-bean curd with shimeji mushroom (picture 4)
-mango jelly wrapped in green tea mochi + coconut (picture 5)

both my mum and i found all the dishes to be 
fresh and well prepared.
none of the dishes we tried were oily,
and it left us with the good kinda full feeling.

i personally was a big fan of the pumpkin + shrimp dumpling, and the mango jelly + green tea mochi.

if you are in vancouver and feeling like some good chinese food, the kirin restaurant is a great place to go check out.


Monday, August 12, 2013


this summer has been a good one for vancouver.

the sun has been shining non-stop for most parts,
which is quite a rare occurrence.

my friends and i took a stroll along the olympic village which is located right by science world.
it was beaaauuutiful.
it's got this modern/laid back feel to it;
a perfect place to chillax and enjoy the good vibes.
if you're visiting vancouver or even if you're just a local,
the olympic village is a great location to go check out.

only a 3 more weeks left of summer vacay until 
school starts again!
where did time go?

enjoy what's left of this fine season


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


this past week i was given the opportunity to
to volunteer as a primary teacher at sunnyside camp in alberta.

the long 18 hour drive to get to this 
magical camp was well worth it.

i encountered my first sighting of hay bales in alberta.
i didn't know that massive roles of hay that are probably double my hight could exist.
it looks so awesome when 100+ hay bales are scattered randomly across a large field of green.

the best part of the trip was being able to meet a ton of talented and beautifully crafted people.

there were musicians of all ages who could play their instruments like beasts.

there were dancers who could flip and pop to each beat in a song.

there were artists who used their imagination and soul to move their pen.

i saw so much love and support in this one week, it was no surprised that some people have been attending this camp for 30+ years.

i hope i'll be back for year 2 next summer!

