Thursday, January 31, 2013


step brothers and he's just not the into you are some of my all-time favorites.
they just move you in ways that make you wanna wear unicorn shirts and find a boyfee like ben affleck.

it doesn't get much better than some sweet and salty popcorn and vitamin water to accompany these brilliant movies.

so if you feel glum, and that the world isn't on your side, this combination of awesomeness might make your day a tad brighter.

p.s. comfy blankets and pillows also add a pinch of joy.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


my dad happens to make the tastiest fried eggs. first he fries up some onion with some oil and then cracks the open an egg and seasons it with paprica and some s+p. however, i've tried making this simple fried egg on my own and it just doesn't taste nowhere near the same. i guess my papa just got some mad skills when it comes to cooking some sunny-side-up. 
so this past weekend i got my dad to cook up one of dem delicious fried eggs, which happened to go perfectly with an eggo waffle. the orange pieces added a nice touch to my meal heh.
i believe that you get more out of food that looks fun.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


january hasn't been the most pleasant month. both sides of my mouth got infected after having my wisdom teeth removed (i literally had chipmunk cheeks on three different occasions in the span of less than a month), and i ended up getting the flu.
on the plus side, i got to take shiny blue antibiotics!
it felt like i was taking in punches one after the other. and what do you do?- well you get back up and keep on going.
through experiences like this you realize how important good health is. poor health enables you to do the things you gotta do, and want to do. and to put it bluntly- it sucks.
and the experiences i went through this month does not come close to hardship compared to what a lot of other people have to go through. 
in my day to day life i don't give enough appreciation to how much of a blessing it is to be able to go out of the house and engage in activities, to go to school, to socialize with friends, to enjoy food, and live without physical pain.
i am truly thankful.
through this month of aches and sicknesses, i have learned that true courage comes from finding strength through weakness.

i delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. for when I am weak, then i am strong.
 2 corinthians 12:10

-stay strong


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


here are some more pictures of vancouver.
it's easy to forget how pretty vancouver is during the monotonous rain.
we finally have been getting some clear days lately and they have been quite delightful!
this has reminded me that we need to enjoy and take in the beauty that we find in the simplest of ways.

Friday, January 11, 2013


these pictures are of the vancouver city skyline.
it was my friends last night in vancouver before she went back to university so we wanted to take some memorable "cute" pictures.
the pictures of us clearly didn't turn out to be as pretty as we hoped but they still highlight some priceless memories.
the illuminated view of vancouver with the lights bleeding into the ocean made for a very spectacular backdrop.
despite a long rainy season, 
vancouver sure finds ways to impress.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


every year our family gets a lot of goodies over the holiday season.
my all time favorites are the triangular cinnamon cookies.
they are soft and chewy and cinnamon spice gives you the sensation that you can taste winter.
chocolate is probably one of my favorite things ever, so it is very tempting to eat all of the chocolates at once.
but i try to resist and restrict myself to one or two a day during the holidays.
now that the new year has started i must get back to my workouts to burn off all this sugar i have consumed.

stay tuned for more posts!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


my fam and i went to check out the canyon lights at the capilano suspension bridge. hundreds and thousands of lights lit up the trees and even the bridge itself. the pretty lights were a good distraction to the cold winter weather.  
however my favorite part was seeing some very crafty people make beautiful glass ornaments. a lot of work and skill goes into making one bulb. 
it made me want to make glass ornaments and be surrounded with colourful yet delicate pieces of artwork.

definitely a place to check out if you like the outdoors and are into pretty lights and ornaments.

Friday, January 4, 2013


over the holidays i went to a family friends house for 
post-christmas get together. 
there's just something nice and warm about the holiday season despite the cold outdoors.

p.s. the cakes above tasted absolutely amazing.
i happened to try 3 out of the 4...and i would have tried the all 4 if it hadn't already been eaten...#yummycakeproblems

p.p.s. yes, one of my new years resolutions is to eat healthy and to stay fit. i've got all year right?


Wednesday, January 2, 2013


happy new years!
may 2013 be a great year with many blessings.

it is a tradition in my family to eat a japanese food during the new years, since new years is the most celebrated holiday in japan.
as you can see, we had quite the feast this year!
my mom bought quite a few of the traditional japanese new years dishes(the black beens, fish cakes, konnyaku, etc.) at this store in vancouver called fujiya to make appetizers. 
for the main dish, my family has made it a tradition to eat oden(a japanese hotpot). my mom worked very hard preparing this dish and it turned out to be very tasty as always.
it was a great start to 2013 indeed.

i hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!
