Wednesday, October 31, 2012


for nights where cooking is a true inconvenience, 
dumplings are an easy and fast solution!
buy them cooked, or heat up frozen ones.
yum yum and healthier than fast food.
serve with rice and salad and it makes a satisfying meal.


Monday, October 29, 2012


looking through these pictures makes me miss my friends so much more. now that university life has started, it is has gotten a lot harder to stay in touch with close friends, even one's that are still in the same city, or the same school for that matter. one of my besties has gone out to uni in ontario and i miss her like crazy, and i'm literally counting down the days to be able to see her again. i guess you really don't appreciate what you have until it leaves you, even if it's only for a short while. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


the goodness of vancity.
we start to forget all the beauty in this city when the rain takes over.
prettiness come back soon!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012


these are some pictures from maui back in august 2011.
just looking at these makes me wanna go back to this warm and beautiful place. my dad and i went up to mount haleakala, bright and early to see one of the most spectacular sunrises ever. the last picture was captured on this mountain at over 10000ft.
wish i was in maui at the mo, since rain is the only thing present in the vancity weather forecast.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


how to make the healthy and tasty margarita spaghetti sauce:
total time - 30 minutes
serves 4

-tbs olive oil
-half of a big onion
-two garlic cloves
-tbs italian herbs
-one can of hunts original tomato sauce
-one diced tomato
-two tbs ketchup
-tabasco sauce if you like it hot

1. put olive oil, finely chopped onion and garlic in a flatter surfaced pot if you have one, if not just use a regular pot, and turn the heat up the heat to max. 
2. cook the contents till it turns slightly golden, then add the tomato sauce, italian herbs, tomato, ketchup, and hot sauce.
3. cook the sauce for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.
4. all done! serve once the spaghetti is cooked and ready.

how to make the fast and easy salad:
total time - 15 minutes
serves 4

-any kind of lettuce
-one can of peaches and cream corn
-half a cup of dried cranberries
-one avocado

-fifty mls of olive oil
-fifteen mls of soy sauce
-fifteen mls of lemon juice or vinegar
-salt and pepper

1. place the vegetables + dried cranberries in a bowl or plate
2. mix the liquid ingredients + salt and pepper in a small container to make salad dressing
3. pour on as much salad dressing as you wish
4. enjoy your salad!

feel free to comment, hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


hehe cutest slug i've ever seen.


today is my mama's birthday.
gotta make her a delicious dinner.
food post coming out tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Monday, October 15, 2012


this is the project i have to do for english. we're supposed to define ourselves as readers. so i chose to do this, to interpret the different influences one might have when choosing what to read. 
1. get a canvas from michael's or any arts and crafts store.
2. get newspaper, an old book your not going to read anymore, magazine, and any other texts you can find and want to use in your collage.
3. cut the texts into different sized pieces. i recommend using a ruler if you want a nice and straight looking collage. yes this does take quite some time.
4. once you have enough pieces, start gluing them down. i used simple children's runny glue and mixed it with a tad bit of water. 
5. once all the pieces are glued down, just wait for it to fully dry. at least 12 hours.
6. here is where you can get creative and pretty much do anything. i used sharpie to do the artwork.
7. tadah! all done!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


went to the macklemore and ryan lewis concert last night with a couple friends. they put on a great show! definitely go check them out. here was my favourite from the night:

Friday, October 12, 2012


summer weather has officially ended in vancouver.
the rain season has started.
the sun will be greatly missed. hope to see it again sometime in april. sigh. #vancityproblems

couple of things i have learned this week:

1. rain is depressing
2. don't be scared of the uncertain
3. facts can only explain so much, sometimes you just gotta have faith
4. life of pi is a great book
5. it's okay to fail a goes on
6. set goals. and work hard to achieve them.
7. we're only young once. go out. have some fun.
8. american politics are so much more intense than canadian politics
9. you're never gonna know for certain unless you go out and experience it for yourself
10. i.hate.calculus.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


leaves are slowly changing into beautiful shades of orange, red, and yellow. despite the fact that cold weather isn't always pleasant, i can't complain about the pretty falling leaves. today i went around taking some autumnesque pictures, looking like a total dork. i guess i'm always kinda dorky so tody wasn't something out of the ordinary. 
hope you like the picture, and feel free to comment bellow!