Wednesday, February 12, 2014


i have moved my blog to

there will be exciting new recipe posts so please check it out!

cheers xox


Sunday, October 20, 2013


i wanted to make thai curry for a while now, 
and i finally got around to it.

i was worried that it was gonna be a bust since i was using ingredients i'm not too familiar with,
but it turned out to be quite delightful!
i will definitely be making this one again.

with brown and wild rice

you will need:

- 1 cup brown and wild rice

- 2.5 cups water

- 2 tbs vegetable or olive oil

- 0.5 regular eggplant
(cut into little cubes)

- 0.5 regular onion
(chop finely)

- 2 garlic cloves

- 1.5 tbs of red curry paste

- 1 can coconut milk

- 1 carrot stick
(cut into bite sized pieces)

- a couple pieces of broccoli
(cut into bite sized pieces)

- 1 pack of firm tofu
(cut into little cubes)

- 1 tbs sweet soy sauce

- 1/2 tbs of seasoning
or chicken stalk powder

the how to's:

 bring rice and water to a boil.

cover and boil over medium heat for 
20-25 minutes until desired texture is reached.

turn off the heat and let it stand for 5 minutes 
so that excess water can evaporate.

 add oil, onion, and garlic into a medium sized pot
on medium heat.

cook until onion and garlic are sweating.

add the eggplant and 1 tbs of the red curry paste
and cook for another 2 minutes.
(add more oil if necessary)

add the coconut milk, carrot, broccoli, tofu, 
sweet soy sauce, seasoning, and rest of the curry paste.


cover and cook for 8 minutes on medium heat.

check to see if vegetables are of desired texture.

plate the rice and curry.


i hope you like this hearty recipe.
it makes for some great left-over lunches.

other vegetables such as cauliflower, red peppers, or snap peas 
will also work well with this dish.

stay tuned for more recipes!


Thursday, October 17, 2013


getting older is a bitter sweet thing.

celebrating wrinkles and greying hairs may be bitter,
but celebrating another year of precious life
is pretty sweet.

yesterday was my mum's birthday!
presents and yummy food can make an already special day just a tinge more snazzy, yeah?

well i think so...

therefore i presented my dear mother with:

-a personally crafted, state of the art, card
(it's the heart that counts)

-hand lotion from l'occitane
because it smells like sensational flower sex

-a chicken soup book
because my mom's into that

-a delicately stirred tomato sauce with juicy prawns 
on top of al dente style spaghetti

yeah that's where it's at.

i figured i should treat my mother well on her birthday
raising a hooligan is a difficult task.

one more post coming this weekend!
